New paper accepted in ICPR 2014 – “Compact Signature-based Compressed Video Matching Using Dominant Colour Profiles (DCP)”

The paper “Compact Signature-based Compressed Video Matching Using Dominant Colour Profiles (DCP)” has been accepted in the ICPR 2014 conference, and will be presented in August 2014, Stockholm, Sweden.

Abstract— This paper presents a technique for efficient and generic matching of compressed video shots, through compact signatures extracted directly without decompression. The compact signature is based on the Dominant Colour Profile (DCP); a sequence of dominant colours extracted and arranged as a sequence of spikes, in analogy to the human retinal representation of a scene. The proposed signature represents a given video shot with ~490 integer values, facilitating for real-time processing to retrieve a maximum set of matching videos. The technique is able to work directly on MPEG compressed videos, without full decompression, as it is utilizing the DC-image as a base for extracting colour features. The DC-image has a highly reduced size, while retaining most of visual aspects, and provides high performance compared to the full I-frame. The experiments and results on various standard datasets show the promising performance, both the accuracy and the efficient computation complexity, of the proposed technique.

Congratulations and well done for Saddam.

Analysis and experimentation results of using DC-image, and comparisons with full image (I-Frame), can be found in  Video matching using DC-image and local features   (



“DC-Image for Real Time Compressed Video Matching” published in Springer Transactions on Engineering Technologies

New chapter titled “DC-Image for Real Time Compressed Video Matching” is published in Springer Transactions on Engineering Technologies 2014 .

Well done and congratulations to Saddam Bekhet.

Amr attended the ECM & workshop of the SUS-IT project

Amr Ahmed attended the ECM (Executive Committee Meeting) of his SUS-IT project ( at Loughborough, and participated in the 2 days workshop for the project. This is one of the very important meetings, especially towards the late stage of the project, with all workpackages represented.

SUS-IT ECM and Workshop in Loughborough - Nov2011

WP3: SUS-IT ECM and Workshop in Loughborough - Nov2011

SUS-IT ECM and Workshop in Loughborough - Nov2011


(iNET) Intelligent Mobility: Making it a Commercial Reality – National Space Centre

Amr Presenting a Poster at the National Space Centre, Leicester. iNET Transport, Mobility Scooter with Navigation System

Amr Ahmed has been invited for this iNET Transport event at the National Space Centre, as has been a partner in one of the iNET Transport projects. During the day, Amr presented a Poster, with support from Tony Daniel, about his iNET project; Mobility Scooter with navigation system (Demo video at: and list of Projects at )



Amr Presenting a Poster at the National Space Centre, Leicester. iNET Transport, Mobility Scooter with Navigation System
National Space Centre - Leicester

V&L Network workshop, Brighton

Dr Amr Ahmed attended the Vision & Language Netowork Workshop in Brighton last Thursday 15th September, where 2 posters and oral presentation were presented from the DCAPI group.

DCAPI poster at the V&L Network workshop - Sept'11 - Brighton
DCAPI poster at the V&L workshop


Over 40 researchers, from vision and language areas, attended and it was a good opportunity for networking and exchange of contacts and ideas. Posters and sides will be available on the network’s website in the near future

Amr and a keynote speaker
Amr and a keynote speaker
Amr and a keynote speaker
Amr and one of the keynote speaker


Mr Amjad Altadmri also attended and presented in the event.

Some nice photos in Brighton,

Amr in Brighton Pier
Amr in Brighton Pier

with some Icereame! 🙂