Posters & Presentations in the Gerontology Conference (ISG*ISARC2012, Eindhoven)

Amr Ahmed has attended the International Conference of the Society of Gerontology, Technishe Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e), Eindhevn, Netherlands. He, with Dr Chris Liam (Surrey), presented a poster with oral presentation in relation to the SUS-IT project outcomes. Amr also had another poster in relation to the Intelligent Mobility Scooter Navigation project (funded by the iNET Transport).




Amr attended the ECM & workshop of the SUS-IT project

Amr Ahmed attended the ECM (Executive Committee Meeting) of his SUS-IT project ( at Loughborough, and participated in the 2 days workshop for the project. This is one of the very important meetings, especially towards the late stage of the project, with all workpackages represented.

SUS-IT ECM and Workshop in Loughborough - Nov2011

WP3: SUS-IT ECM and Workshop in Loughborough - Nov2011

SUS-IT ECM and Workshop in Loughborough - Nov2011


ECM9 and Audit meeting for SUS-IT project

Dr Amr Ahmed participated in the 9th Executive Committe Meeting (ECM) of his SUS-IT project, at Loughborough, on 9th Septmeber. This was immediately followed by an Audit meeting with an NDA representative.

Very interesting to see the work of such a large consortium coming together during the final year of the project, with experienced researchers/professors.  An excellent experience.

SUS-IT Project Write-Up workshop

Amr participated in the Write-UP workshop of  the SUS-IT project consortium (which Amr is a partner in), on 17th and 18th May in Loughborough. Interesting to meet most of the partners, from all over the UK. Many discussions across the work-packages, especially with completion of the project (started in Jan 2009) expected ~mid next year.