PhD Studentship – “Object and Action Recognition”

Summary:  “Object and Action Recognition Assisted by Computational Linguistics”.

The aim of this project is to investigate how computer vision methods such as object and
action recognition may be assisted by computational linguistic models, such as WordNet.
The main challenge of object and action recognition is the scalability of methods from
dealing with a dozen of categories (e.g. PASCAL VOC) to thousands of concepts (e.g.
ImageNet ILSVRC). This project is expected to contribute to the application of automated
visual content annotation and more widely to bridging the semantic gap between
computational approaches of vision and language.

Deadline: 20th March 2015.

A PhD studentship is advertised at

Object and Action Recognition Assisted by Computational Linguistics

The research is collaboration between University of Kingston (Digital Imaging Research Centre) and University of Lincoln (DCAPI group)

For details of the applications process:

Deadline: 20th March 2015


New paper accepted in ICPR 2014 – “Compact Signature-based Compressed Video Matching Using Dominant Colour Profiles (DCP)”

The paper “Compact Signature-based Compressed Video Matching Using Dominant Colour Profiles (DCP)” has been accepted in the ICPR 2014 conference, and will be presented in August 2014, Stockholm, Sweden.

Abstract— This paper presents a technique for efficient and generic matching of compressed video shots, through compact signatures extracted directly without decompression. The compact signature is based on the Dominant Colour Profile (DCP); a sequence of dominant colours extracted and arranged as a sequence of spikes, in analogy to the human retinal representation of a scene. The proposed signature represents a given video shot with ~490 integer values, facilitating for real-time processing to retrieve a maximum set of matching videos. The technique is able to work directly on MPEG compressed videos, without full decompression, as it is utilizing the DC-image as a base for extracting colour features. The DC-image has a highly reduced size, while retaining most of visual aspects, and provides high performance compared to the full I-frame. The experiments and results on various standard datasets show the promising performance, both the accuracy and the efficient computation complexity, of the proposed technique.

Congratulations and well done for Saddam.

Analysis and experimentation results of using DC-image, and comparisons with full image (I-Frame), can be found in  Video matching using DC-image and local features   (



“DC-Image for Real Time Compressed Video Matching” published in Springer Transactions on Engineering Technologies

New chapter titled “DC-Image for Real Time Compressed Video Matching” is published in Springer Transactions on Engineering Technologies 2014 .

Well done and congratulations to Saddam Bekhet.

Dr Amjad Altadmri – Graduation Ceremony

Congratulations to Dr Amjad Altadmri for completeing his PhD degree. Amjad received his PhD degree in the formal September Graduation Ceremony at the Lincoln Cathedral.

Amjad Graduation Ceremony - September 2013
Amjad Graduation Ceremony – September 2013


His PhD titled “Semantic Annotation of Domain-Independent Uncontrolled Videos, Incorporating Visual Similarity and Commonsesne Knowledge Bases”. The work produced a Framework for semantic video annotation. In addition, VisualNet was also produced, which is a semantic Network for Visual-related applications.

The photo shows Dr Amjad Altadmri (Left) with his Director of Studies/Supervisor Dr Amr Ahmed ( right).

A list of publications of Amjad’s PhD are below:


Amjad has also participated, with Amr and other members of the DCAPI group,  in various workshops especially the V&L EPSRC Network workshops. They presented sessions and showed posters; see related blog posts: