Presented the DHS paper in the CGIM’12, Crete

Amr presented a paper to the IASTED CGIM’12 conference about the DHS surgeon virtual training project.   This paper reports on the development of the 2 3D tracking prototypes for virtual reality training of surgeons (in vitro / Off patient), especially for the Dynamic Hip Screw surgical procedure (in particular; the insertion of the guide-wire). The aim is to develop the cognitive coordination, in particular the Brain/Hands/Eyes coordination that is crucial for such procedure. But through an affordable system that uses Commercial off-the-shelf (COTs)  components.

This work is in collaboration with Prof. Maqsood, Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic surgeon in the Lincoln Hospital.


Project in the media/press:

More information and images:

Conference Paper Accepted – DHS virtual training

Another conference paper been accpeted, and will be published in June 2012. This paper reports on the development of the 2 3D tracking prototypes for virtual reality training of surgeons (in vitro / Off patient), especially for the Dynamic Hip Screw surgical procedure (in particular; the insertion of the guide-wire). The aim is to develop the cognitive coordination, in particular the Brain/Hands/Eyes coordination that is crucial for such procedure. But through an affordable system that uses Commercial off-the-shelf (COTs)  components.

This work is in collaboration with Prof. Maqsood, Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic surgeon in the Lincoln Hospital.


Project in the media/press:

More information and images:

Haytham Mohtasseb VIVA – DONE…..

Haytham Mohtasseb has passed his viva this Tuesday (subject to amendments). Well done Dr Mohtasseb….

Haytham has been working with me (and Dr David Cobham) analysing blogs for users’ writing styles,  grouping, and Authorship identification. He had 7 publications, including a Journal and a Book Chapter and several international conferences. {automatic list of publications can be found her: }

A celebration is going on Thursday 12:30-13:30.

All the best.


Amr attended the ECM & workshop of the SUS-IT project

Amr Ahmed attended the ECM (Executive Committee Meeting) of his SUS-IT project ( at Loughborough, and participated in the 2 days workshop for the project. This is one of the very important meetings, especially towards the late stage of the project, with all workpackages represented.

SUS-IT ECM and Workshop in Loughborough - Nov2011

WP3: SUS-IT ECM and Workshop in Loughborough - Nov2011

SUS-IT ECM and Workshop in Loughborough - Nov2011


(iNET) Intelligent Mobility: Making it a Commercial Reality – National Space Centre

Amr Presenting a Poster at the National Space Centre, Leicester. iNET Transport, Mobility Scooter with Navigation System

Amr Ahmed has been invited for this iNET Transport event at the National Space Centre, as has been a partner in one of the iNET Transport projects. During the day, Amr presented a Poster, with support from Tony Daniel, about his iNET project; Mobility Scooter with navigation system (Demo video at: and list of Projects at )



Amr Presenting a Poster at the National Space Centre, Leicester. iNET Transport, Mobility Scooter with Navigation System
National Space Centre - Leicester