SUS-IT Project Write-Up workshop

Amr participated in the Write-UP workshop of  the SUS-IT project consortium (which Amr is a partner in), on 17th and 18th May in Loughborough. Interesting to meet most of the partners, from all over the UK. Many discussions across the work-packages, especially with completion of the project (started in Jan 2009) expected ~mid next year.

GraVision’11 Summer School {LSoCS-Lincoln}

The Lincoln School of Computer Science (LSoCS) is proud to host this year’s  CGVIA summer school, in collaboration with the Arab Academy for Science,  Technology & Maritime Transport (AASTMT), London International Office.   Poster, details, program and registration online at


This is an excellent opportunity to have a taste of studying and living in the  UK, in the historic city of Lincoln.

The Summer School 2011 will provide a challenging combination of taught,  practical and hands-on activities, with concluding mini projects and  presentations. There will be an emphasis on the Computer Graphics and vision  with focus on interactive applications such as games and virtual reality.  Participants will be exposed to a range of technologies, including MotionCapture,  and research activities carried out in Lincoln. They will also be fully  supported and have access to the School’s computing and research laboratories as  well as other University’s facilities. The overall program falls within the  following topics:

• Introduction to Computer Graphics. • Interactive Graphics and Visualisation applications. • Introduction to Image Processing/Computer Vision. • Non-conventional Interactions (e.g. WiiMote, Vision-based interaction).

The program will also include:

• Local/regional tours/trips, including scientific sites, and Guest Speakers. • Career Advice, Employability and Skills development. (e.g. Academic Writing,  CV writing, Interview tips)

The Summer School is designed for students and recent graduates who are  interested in computer graphics, computer vision, visualisation, games, and  virtual reality. Tutors include research-active academics and researchers with  various cultural and international backgrounds. A certificate of attendance will  be presented to all those who successfully complete the Summer School.

For the best benefits, participants are expected to have a good level of  programming (C/C++) and Mathematics. Places will be limited on a first come  first serve basis.